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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Suicide Epidemic by Caylee Marshall

 “Suicide costs the US $69 billion dollars per year and is known to be the “tenth leading cause of death in the US” (“Suicide Statistics”). You might start experiencing other people belittling you; people constantly picking on you until they feel they are the one with all the power, until you feel that you are an ounce of nothing. (“Bullying and Suicide”). They may even start to degrade you all over social media to get others attention and mainly to make you feel like you are worthless (“Depression” 1). This may lead to thoughts you never thought you would ever have such as: thinking you are the one in the wrong, thinking you are ugly, thinking you are worthless, thinking you would be better off just ending it. You may start to feel hopeless, experience excessive sadness, discontent, agitation, excessive crying, social isolation, self-esteem issues, etc. (1). All of these play a role and can lead up to suicide. Bullying and depression needs to be the top priority of constantly being monitored. Suicide is a serious epidemic in today’s society that we are still suffering from and statistics are continuing to rise.


Suicide has been around for years and years. In Europe, suicide was for a good cause, it was not seen as a wrong act (“A Brief History of Suicide”).  The article even states, “There are eight suicides mentioned in the Old Testament, two in the Apocrypha, and one in the New Testament. But, none of the passages in the Bible, describing these suicides, makes any adverse comments on the morality of these acts” (1). Now a-days it is shunned upon, people usually commit suicide because they are experiencing bullying, depression, medication side-effects, numerous concussions, etc. It is a very serious epidemic that our world is facing to this day. 


Do you remember the name Aaron Hernandez? If that did not ring a bell, he played for the NFL Patriots and was charged for killing someone. After being charged and sitting in jail, he committed suicide. After researching about his suicide, it shows “he hanged himself and had Bible verse written on his head in red marker and had 3 handwritten letters: one for his fiancĂ© one for his daughter and a guy that has been claimed as his secret boyfriend” (Hanna et al). It does not say why he did it, but his family believes maybe his previous concussions in the past lead up to his suicide (1).

To name a few personal examples, my grandfather committed suicide in front of my grandmother because he suffered from severe depression. My cousin hanged himself because he was going through a divorce. My good friend, Brandy, from Texas City, shot herself on Thanksgiving in front of her family because she suffered from depression, cyberbullying, and bullying in general by her ex-boyfriend; who also posted revenge nudes. My sixteen-year-old brother has attempted suicide twice because of medication side effects and depression. The few personal examples listed all but one are males. “Men die by suicide 3.53x more often than women” (“Suicide Statistics”). Many of my close friends and family have suffered from this epidemic.

 Suicide is a very serious thing that people suffer from. Statistics show people have either thought about it, attempted suicide, or committed suicide. This epidemic is a thing that happens all over the world. In some areas around the world, the statistics are low and in other parts of the world they are high. The highest rates in 2016, in the United States, show that “adult between age 45-54 years old” commit suicide (“Suicide Statistics”). Yet, we still are facing this nationwide and statistics are continuing to rise.

There are tremendous amounts of teens and younger children committing suicide due to bullies and other reasons. “Teenage suicide is a serious and growing problem. The teenage years can be emotionally turbulent and stressful. Teenagers face pressures to succeed and fit in. They may struggle with self-esteem issues, self-doubt, and feelings of alienation. For some, this leads to suicide. “Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 10-24” (“Youth Suicide Statistics”). Depression is also a major risk factor for teen suicide” (“Suicide Prevention”).  These children are being bullied because they are different; furthermore, how they identify themselves such as gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual, transgender, white, Hispanic, African American, etc.:

Other risk factors for teenage suicide include:

·         Childhood abuse

·         Recent traumatic event

·         Lack of a support network

·         Availability of a gun

·         Hostile social or school environment

·         Exposure to other teen suicides (“Suicide Prevention” 1)

For the victims who get bullied, it usually is for a stupid reason, that some kid has come up with on how it is necessary to belittle someone. People tend to get bullied a lot, especially children, because there is social media. If a child is experiencing bullying, there is a higher chance of it happening outside of school as well.  For example, “90% of teens who report being cyberbullied have also been bullied offline” (“Bullying Statistics”). Bullying can lead to suicide, just like it did my friend, Brandy. Now people have other options besides instant messenger, there is Instagram. Twitter, Facebook, dating websites, etc. to go to when bullying people; it is not the same as it used to be. People have a huge impact on others due to how they treat someone. “Treat people the way you should be treated,” is a saying we all got taught in school, but it seems that schools do not enforce it like they used to. Saying the wrong thing to someone can be really detrimental to their life. This means if someone says the wrong thing to someone it could set them off because they might be going through something rough and what is being said to them may end up acting on it. Today women think about suicide more often than men, but men act on it more (“Suicide Statistics”). Due to bullying it has a high chance for an individual to start experiencing depression in which could lead to a higher chance of committing suicide (“Bullying Statistics”).

Today’s society is very cruel to people on social media, it is all about who has the last word behind the keyboard, who’s picture they can expose all over the internet, who can bash someone and get their friends to gang up on the post, who can win the argument, etc. People are suffering from this every single day. Recently at Dawson High school, “A teacher happened to be using the stairs near the third floor when she noticed the student hanging from a rope in the stairwell” (Reiner). A young child committing suicide because other children are cruel. Suicide is an epidemic! Each year goes by and the rates continue to rise. Bullying, social media posts, depression, medication side-effects, etc. need to be excessively and intensively monitored.


 “A suicidal person may not ask for help, but that doesn’t mean the help isn’t wanted” (“Suicide Prevention” 1). To prevent suicide there are some signs you should be aware of such as: talk of being a burden to others, feeling trapped or killing themselves, increased use of alcohol or drugs, online searches for ways to commit suicide, reckless actions, withdrawing from activities, giving away prized possession, displaying moods of depression, rage, irritability, humiliation or anxiety” (Reiner 1). When you notice these signs in an individual, you should bring it to someone’s attention such as counselor, principal, their parents, teacher, other adults, etc.  People who are in need of help “call 800-273-8255 or text TALK to 741741.” (Reiner 1). These signs prevent a family from becoming heartbroken, and most importantly saving a person’s life.:

                  Tip #1 to Suicide Prevention: When talking to a suicidal person


Be yourself. Let the person know you care, that he/she is not alone. The right words are often unimportant. If you are concerned, your voice and manner will show it.

Listen. Let the suicidal person unload despair, vent anger. No matter how negative the conversation seems, the fact that it exists is a positive sign.

Be sympathetic, non-judgmental, patient, calm, accepting. Your friend or family member is doing the right thing by talking about his/her feelings.

Offer hope. Reassure the person that help is available and that the suicidal feelings are temporary. Let the person know that his or her life is important to you.

Take the person seriously. If the person says things like, “I’m so depressed, I can’t go on,” ask the question: “Are you having thoughts of suicide?” You are not putting ideas in their head, you are showing that you are concerned, that you take them seriously, and that it’s OK for them to share their pain with you.

But don’t:

Argue with the suicidal person. Avoid saying things like: "You have so much to live for," "Your suicide will hurt your family," or “Look on the bright side.”

Act shocked, lecture on the value of life, or say that suicide is wrong.

Promise confidentiality. Refuse to be sworn to secrecy. A life is at stake and you may need to speak to a mental health professional in order to keep the suicidal person safe. If you promise to keep your discussions secret, you may have to break your word.

Offer ways to fix their problems, or give advice, or make them feel like they have to justify their suicidal feelings. It is not about how bad the problem is, but how badly it’s hurting your friend or loved one.

Blame yourself. You can’t “fix” someone’s depression. Your loved one’s happiness, or lack thereof, is not your responsibility.

Tip #2 to Suicidal Prevention: Know warning signs

Warning Signs in teens

1.      Change in eating and sleeping habits

2.      Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities

3.      Violent or rebellious behavior, running away

4.      Drug and alcohol use

5.      Unusual neglect of personal appearance

6.      Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating, or a decline in the quality of schoolwork

7.      Frequent complaints about physical symptoms, often related to emotions, such as stomachaches, headaches, fatigue, etc.

8.      Not tolerating praise or rewards

Warning Signs in Elders

1.      Reading material about death and suicide

2.      Disruption of sleep patterns

3.      Increased alcohol or prescription drug use

4.      Failure to take care of self or follow medical orders

5.      Stockpiling medications or sudden interest in firearms

6.      Social withdrawal, elaborate good-byes, rush to complete or revise a will (“Suicide Prevention” 1).


            Suicide is absurd for many reasons. It is absurd because it covers every age group, meaning, from child to adult. People of all ages are committing suicide, “Insanity is contagious” (“Class Notes”). The definition of insane is to do the same thing repeatedly expecting a different result. With this being said, people who are suicidal usually try to seek other options before ending their lives. Another reason, it is absurd because people are ending their lives, which portrays that life is meaningless and not worth living. To back this up, Albert Camus states, “I see many people die because they judge that life is not worth living. I see others paradoxically getting killed for the ideas or illusions that give them a reason for living (what is called a reason for living is also an excellent reason for dying). I therefore conclude that the meaning of life is the most urgent of question” (“The Myth”).


Suicide is an epidemic that is nationwide. People should think before you speak or how you treat someone before you do anything; it might just cause damage to someone’s family. To prevent suicide be aware of all warning signs, seek help if you think about it, seek out for help to speak with a therapist, tell people if you are dealing with bullying, etc. There are so many things we can do to make a difference and actually prevent this epidemic. You cannot save all of them, but you might save a lot of people’s live and their family’s heartbreak. Today we can make a difference if we just stay cautious and pay attention to our fellow classmates, acquaintances, friends, family members, etc.

Suicide Works Cited

          “A BRIEF HISTORY OF SUICIDE.” Society for Old Age Rational Suicide,

          “Bullying and Suicide.” Bullying Statistics, 7 July 2015,

          “Class Notes”

           “Depression (Major Depressive Disorder).” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 3 Feb. 2018,

           Hanna, Jason, and Eric Levenson. “Former NFL Star Aaron Hernandez Hangs Himself in Prison, Officials Say.” CNN, Cable News Network, 20 Apr. 2017,

           Reiner, Jake. “Pearland Dawson High School Student Survives Suicide Attempt, Police Say.”KPRC, 1 Dec. 2017,

          “Suicide Prevention.” How to Help Someone Who Is Suicidal and Save a Life,

           “Suicide Statistics.” AFSP, statistics/.

           “The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus.” Goodreads, Goodreads,

          “Youth Suicide Statistics.” Parent Resource Program,

Fake News by Taron Wilburn

                Long day at work, and it’s time to relax. You collapse on the couch, and click on your favorite news station to see what's going on in the world today. Hearing what you want to hear obviously gives you relief, so you keep on watching. Fifty two million people watch local TV news every day, so you aren’t the only one being lied to. Make your way to the bedroom to get on Facebook, Twitter or any social media you may have.(1) Scrolling through you stumble across the same topic. But, only this time the story is another version of the topic. No, you aren’t mistaking, because 23 million people access digitally produced news every month(1). This news doesn’t just come from your flat screen TV or cellular device. Your TV, phone and even radio is filled with lies. After hearing the two different stories, you fall asleep thinking differently about the whole situation. On your morning drive, you hear a third side of the story over the topic you heard the day before. But, not though your tv or phone, its coming from the radio. Sixty million people listen to conservative radio, about the same number that voted for Donald Trump.(1) These numbers don’t lie, but the news does. Fake news is dividing our country for the wrong reasons. Let this paper prove to you that these three media power houses have been lying for eyes, ears, power and money.


            Fake news is nothing new, showing dates back to the sixth century. Around “500-ca. 554 AD” Emperor Justinian has just died and Procopius of Caesarea uses fake news in a very modern day type of way. He releases a journal named Secret History, but keep in mind the Procopius and Emperor weren’t friends. The tale says this lying procopius wrote this journal discrediting the emperor and his wife. Sure enough the Journal grew popular, although the emperor wasn’t around to prove to the people that the news was actually false.(1) Is it possible that he did this to sway the thinking of others to follow someone with so much information? To make him seem more truthful, and carry the likings of the people? Sadly, the lies skip to the era of  printing, an more “educated” era.
            This era was very easy to spread news through the growth of literacy. Selling fake news actually became a thing, bending the truth doesn’t make it actually true. Why would our own people lie to us? Well, selling papers meant making money, and who doesn’t like making money? This money machine was paying people to write real news, but other were writing news to befit the wealth of their employer.(1)

          The mass media era is a hard one to swallow. This is something anyone reading this essay experiences everyday. They might even think this is fake news as they follow these lines left to right. Yes, both fake and real news exists, but what seems to be the problem is sorting what really is real and what is actually fake.(1)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Examples of Fake News

            Being lied to is never fun, especially when its coming from a source you have trusted. Here are some examples of who is lying to you.





            The list of proven news stations can go on for days. The real issue is that lying to people is becoming a habit for these money hungry beast. The way of getting us to think the way they want us to think is becoming more and more successful. Fake news is made too bring our attention on what we think is important. As we read what we want to hear, its not hard to believe it. Teens are a big part of this society that is getting lied to. Here is a chart of teens that was told fake news and where they got it from.                                                                                                
49% Social Media                                                                                                                                   
47%. Family                                                                                                                               
33% Teacher/Adult 

33% Friends  33%

32% Website/App         

20% Radio               

10% Newspaper           

12% None of the Above       (Made from a bar graph)

            Yes, kids are usually the fake news magnets, not because they believe everything, but the truth that they actually are around it the most out of everyone. Attending school chatting with people everyday, exchanging information in class. Needless to say that in too cloistered, too self-righteous 40% of teens use their phones most of the day. Expressing that it was a key to their social life. Knowing this should you even trust anything? Expressing your beliefs that you have heard can actually be a lie.


            The solution to this big and growing epidemic isn’t going to be easy, knowing America for there beliefs in freedom of speech really raises concerns on how we can solve this virus. The Communication Act of Decency of 1966 shows there is laws to help the swamped heads(1). Showing that there are laws for social media websites that make them remove “fake news” in a certain time frame(1). But sorting freedom of speech and actual fake news can be difficult at times. Witch means this takes time to actually prove if someone is spreading news that’s false, because it has to go through a long process. Even if this law was re-wrote and made to where peoples opinions on hot topics that have no coloration to the actual story, were actually demolished. It wouldn’t help the spread, as the publisher would be so hard to find. Posting these rants about someone or something you want to express, it is actually be their right and have no actual threat to the poor reader. The only way fake news writers could actually get caught through the web, is to write false news in the title of their article. A reality to actually consider that fake news could never really be stopped. Loop holes through the system make it easy to make money on the things they write. Truthful or not they get paid when they get views, which really sucks for the average human to get the truth out of the media. Making us the people the only real source of stopping this epidemic. If the fake news never gets re posted there is no chance that it could be read by thousands of people.


            The absurdity of fake news is why It is done, not only to make money but also brain washing you. “Newspapers are not made any longer by news or journalism. They are made by sheer weight of money expressed in free gift schemes. They serve not the interests of the many, but the vested interests of the few” (Mosley). This quote expresses how the news is driven on money, this money isn’t earned a good way either. The lies that are held in the writing are usually spread by leaders, celebrities, and even government officials. Bloggers are heavily pushed to spread fake news media, saying most writers don’t even know what they are talking about. Saying they are mostly getting lazy, too cloistered, too self-righteous to actually go chase the stories like they once did.(1) Pew Research Center for the People & the Press released in June 2004, which found that 53 percent of American adults often don't trust what news organizations are telling them (1). First Amendment Center/AJR poll has found that just 33 percent think that "the news media tries to report the news without bias." (1) Its absurd that the media bloggers are pushed to post these stories, CNN’s bloggers recently pushed the head news executive into quitting.(1) Is this a coincidence, or a way of notifying that the higher man is pushing to get fake news out. It is absurd that media is a money house and a way to get into our heads and persuade the ways of our thoughts.


            Fake news is always going to be around, unless we change it our selfs. Eyes, ears, power and money has been the heart of TV, social media and radio. Turning lies into money from the views they earn, and not really caring about what we think. Separating us from our neighbors because there views are filled with lies. If we don’t stop this epidemic, we could possibly see a war in the future. Don’t let these money hungry beast separate us anymore, its up to you not to share bias articles. So lets cancel out 1 sided news and make America great again.

Works Cited

"Chapter 1 History of Fake News." Library Technology Reports, vol. 53, no. 8, 2017, p. 5+. Academic OneFile, Accessed 26 Apr. 2018.   

 Grossbart, Sarah. "Fighting Fake News." Junior Scholastic/Current Events, 4 Sept. 2017, p. 12+. Academic OneFile, Accessed 1 May 2018.

Palser, Barb. American Journalism Review, vol. 27, no. 4, 2005, p. 42+. Academic OneFile, Accessed 9 May 2018.

 Wilson, Sue. "FAKE NEWS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING." AMASS, vol. 22, no. 2, 2017, p. 38+. Academic OneFile, Accessed 26 Apr. 2018.

Bullying in Society By: Alyssa Arredondo

The world has dealt with bullying longer than we know. It’s a problem that has been around for decades and has yet to stop. It starts with teasing at school as kids, but spirals into more with time. “If bullying persists, they may be afraid to go to school. Problems with low self-esteem and depression can last into adulthood and interfere with personal and professional lives” (“Bullying and Teasing”). Children think it is all fun and games now, but even the person doing the bullying risks long term affects. “Bullies are affected too, even into adulthood; they may have difficulty forming positive relationships. They are more apt to use tobacco and alcohol, and to be abusive spouses. Some studies have even found a correlation with later criminal activities” (Bullying and Teasing). It technically isn’t illegal to bully, but there are circumstances where they can be. Name calling and saying things that are hurtful is not illegal because of the 1st Amendment, which protects and allows freedom of speech. Now, if a bully goes too far as to stalk, and harass someone then it is in fact illegal. More laws and consequences should be enforced to stop bullying as a whole. Bullying today is only getting worse.

Bullying has been around for longer than we know. Why is that though? People bully for all different types of reasons. Some do it to feel better about themselves, power, arrogance, and even boredom. You have to remember that not everyone was raised the same. It starts at home with what you see, and what you know. Where did the term bullying even come from? “The term has changed drastically over time. In the 18th and 19th centuries bullying was mainly viewed as physical or verbal harassment commonly linked with, “death, strong isolation or extortion in school children.” (Koo,2007) (Tamietti)Back then bullying wasn’t as emotional. They didn’t have counseling, or therapy to help understand why one chooses to bully or to help one get through the trauma of being bullied. It was more of a physical act. Fighting and getting aggressive were the only signs:
Any type of aggressive behavior was seen as mischief and a normal part of childhood. In fact, according to Koo (2007), bullying was thought of as innocent “misbehavior” among schoolboys (p110) (History of Bullying). Thankfully bullying is taken a lot more serious than it was back then. While bullying in schools remain a critical issue, throughout the years several events and studies have been taken place that have made a significant impact on bullying and have expanded its meaning in many ways. (History of Bullying)
Bullying has always been apart of life. Back then there weren’t as many different types. We have definitions for different ways of bullying, and there are even people who study how to diagnose it. Today we have cyberbullying for instance. There wasn’t any way to post a tweet or share a photo of someone to embarrass them because back then we didn’t have the social web. As each generation gets more technology, each generation also gets more materialistic. Kids start to judge other kids on the clothing brands they wear. If its not a certain brand, they get made fun of for being too cheap. Then there’s television that we now have that makes kids want to start wearing makeup, and getting dressed to impress. Wanting to look older than they are because of reality super stars like The Kardashian’s. Bullying today is more of a problem than it ever has been. Does it ever end?

Examples that scare, embarrass, and make one feel small:


§  Persistent or egregious use of abusive, insulting, or offensive language
§  Aggressive yelling or shouting
§  Unwarranted physical contact or threatening gestures
§  Making repeated negative comments about a person’s appearance, lifestyle, family, or culture
§  Regularly inappropriately teasing or making someone the brunt of pranks or practical jokes
§  Circulating inappropriate or embarrassing photos or videos via email or social media (Peck)

Bullying in the work place:
§  Unnecessarily interrupting or disrupting someone’s work; inappropriately interfering with a person’s personal property or work equipment
§  Repeatedly discounting a person’s statements in group meetings; unfavorably comparing one person to others
§  Blaming a person for problems they did not cause
§  Taking credit for another’s contributions
§  Spreading misinformation or malicious rumors
§  Purposefully inappropriately excluding, isolating, or marginalizing a person from normal work activities (1)
These are 4 types of bullying:
1)      Verbal: Verbal bullying, or bullying with cruel spoken words, involves ongoing name-calling, threatening, and making disrespectful comments about someone's attributes (appearance, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, etc.). (1)
Example: When a child says “You’re ugly” You’re not pretty enough” “You’re fat” “Are you from Mexico”
2)      Physical: Physical bullying, or bullying with aggressive physical intimidation, involves repeated hitting, kicking, tripping, blocking, pushing, and touching in unwanted and inappropriate ways. (1)
Example: When a kid pushes a kid on the ground.
3)      Relational: Relational bullying, or bullying with exclusionary tactics, involves deliberately preventing someone from joining or being part of a group, whether it's at a lunch table, game, sport, or social activity. (1)

Example: Being the last one picked on a team to play a game, and then letting that person feel left out
4)      Cyberbullying: Bullying in cyberspace, involves haranguing someone by spreading mean words, lies, and false rumors through e-mails, text messages, and social media posts. Sexist, racist, and homophobic messages create a hostile atmosphere, even when not directly targeting your child. (1)

Example: When someone goes on social media saying “Victor is stupid.”
Posting pictures of someone without there permission to embarrass them socially.
Most of the time when people see a bully in action they do nothing. It easy to act like you didn’t see anything. That’s the problem with today’s society. So many of us are scared to stand up for what is right.
When you see a person being bullied, it is your responsibility to step in. Say something. Do something, anything. Walking by and doing nothing gives of the impression that what they’re doing is okay. When you’re at younger age its easier to just tell a teacher, parent, or just someone in charge. As you grow up, you learn that its not always going to be that simple. You have a voice, so use it. Imagine your sister, child, a loved one getting treated as if they were worthless. Anyone getting bullied means something to someone. Stop the bully in the act. If you see cyberbullying, don’t scroll right over it. If you have a friend who is doing the cyberbullying, don’t like the post even though you don’t agree with it just because its your friend. Report the post. Contact your friend privately, let them know what they’re doing is wrong. Not everyone is going to care to listen, or agree. But, it starts with you. Make a change into making the world a better place. People commit suicide, hurt themselves, every day because they don’t feel good enough. They think to themselves, what did I do to be hated, judged, and ridiculed? Does it get any easier? “Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.” (“Bullying and Suicide”) This is absolutely saddening. If only there was more that we could do to erase the numbers. To bring back the lives that are now gone. Even though that isn’t possible. Lowering the numbers is. Be a leader by putting a stop to bullying: Be kind to the kid being bullied. Show them that you care by trying to include them. Sit with them at lunch or on the bus, talk to them at school, or invite them to do something. Just hanging out with them will help them know they aren’t alone.” (“What Kids Can Do”) Others will see your strength and courage. They will feel confident enough to come from behind the shadows to make a stand with you.

Absurdity in Life:
            Its absolutely absurd that because of bullies we live in fear. People are scared to express themselves for who they are, what they like, and even for who they love. We shouldn’t be worried about getting jumped or talked about just for being who we are. Everyone is different. You can expect us all to be the same. “Insanity is contagious”, and bullies are insane (In class notes). But because bullying is such a problem in todays culture we have family, and friends who feel the need to hide who they are. Absolute absurdity is what that is.
            Bullying is a problem that has yet to have been put a stop to. By using these solutions, we can help put a stop to bullying little by little. Spread the word. Spread love, peace, and kindness. Help make the world a nicer place to live. Don’t go through each day living in an ugly world. Be positive. We all have bad days. But be selfless, because at the end of the day you get what you give. “Many times we can’t tell what the last straw is for somebody and we don’t always know how our words and actions may affect another person! One small insult or sarcastic comment gone awry could send someone over the edge, while a smile or other gesture of concern and kindness could save them from reaching that point.” (“My Friends”) You have more power than you think. Save a life.


Work Cited

“Bullying and Suicide.” Bullying Statistics, 7 July 2015,
In class notes. April 19, 2018
 “My Friends.” Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego,
 Peck, Suzanne. “The 4 Common Types of Bullying.” Parents, Parents, 6 Dec. 2017,
“Tamietti, Robin. “History of Bullying.” History Of, 1 Jan. 1970,
“What Kids Can Do.”,

Fall 2024 Murray State College Composition 1213

Alcohol Addiction Brooke Cobb   Binge Drinking Elias Simon