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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Poverty by Jonathan Kennedy

           When people hear about epidemics, they normally think of some kind of widespread disease or illness that has recently occurred.  Poverty is not something that comes to mind when epidemics are discussed, however, poverty is just as much an epidemic as disease.  Poverty is a global epidemic that affects the lower class citizens of a society.  Although there are some people who have small homes and can live off of very little, many poverty stricken people do not have any kind of home.  Some people are born into poverty while other people have lost their jobs and spent all they have.  Some of the main reasons of poverty are a person’s lack of a desire to work, a bad economy, and addictions.  Poverty is an epidemic that affects places all over that world that struggle from a lack of money.
            Poverty has been around for as long as history dates back and has been shown during medieval times, the Great Depression, and current times in America.  There are stories in the Bible, such as when the Israelites were oppressed by the Egyptians, about poverty being very prominent in cities and that the disabled and injured would be forced to live on the streets.  But even if someone does not believe in the Bible, there are still plenty of people such as those who were poverty stricken throughout history from the dark ages and Medieval Times to the present.  Many paintings, such as Peasants at the table, and movies, such as Oliver Twist, portray people who live in poverty wearing ragged clothes and having diseases to show how affected the community was with poverty.   Poverty was especially shown in Medieval Times because it was used to signify how corrupt the monarchy was.  Many monarchies raised their taxes very high so that the kings could live in luxury and also use the money to pay for a stronger army.  This kind of poverty was from a bad economy (Nash).  As mentioned before, poverty can be caused by a lack of a desire to work, a bad economy, and addictions.  A bad economy is probably the biggest reason out of the three listed above that a person would be in poverty.  If there are no jobs in an economy and there is no way to earn money, a person has a reason to be in poverty because he was not able to prevent it by any normal means or correct it by himself.  The medieval times is a great example of this. 
Another major time that poverty was shown to be an epidemic was during the Great Depression ("Social and Cultural Effects of the Depression").  This was also a result of a bad economy because after the stock market crashed, many people were left with no money and no place to live.  Economy plays such an important part in poverty’s history because the economy is the source of jobs and income, which is what keeps people off the streets and out of debt in the first place.  There are many other instances of poverty in history, but the last parts of poverty to touch on are poverty in this present time in America.
Poverty right now in America is not mainly because of the bad economy.  There is always going to be some of the economy to blame whether it is a lot or a little, but the main reason that there are so many people in poverty right now is because of a lack of a desire to work, drugs, or they are born into poverty ("National Poverty Center | University of Michigan").  Many people in the United States who live in poverty sit on the streets and hold signs asking for money or walk up to cars and ask people for money at their car windows.  Very few of the population of people who are homeless and sit on street corners will offer to work. 

Addiction is also another major factor of the homelessness and poverty in America.  Many homeless people will use the money they collect from others on drugs, alcohol, or any other kind of addictions they may have ("Homelessness in America").  This is a major problem because instead of using the money they have been given by people to get food and water, they are using it for something that kills them.  They have become so depressed with their poverty that it makes them feel like they have nothing else to turn to besides drugs and alcohol to make them feel happy, even if it is only temporary.  Because of the reputation of many people in poverty to turn to their addictions, it hurts other people who are needy, as well, because people will automatically assume that they have addiction problems ("Institute for Research on Poverty").  Many people are born into poverty as well and is what will lead them to be in poverty much of their lives because they do not have any education or knowledge of anything.  Poverty has been found throughout history ever since history has been recorded and has had been shown clearly through the Medieval Times, the Great Depression, and present day America.
            Examples of this epidemic can be seen in inner cities and in the community through their houses and living conditions.  Poverty is found very commonly in inner cities because they are targeted by people.  Many people in inner city areas are known to be criminals and make bad decisions, which is why there are people who will try to target them with their businesses, especially children (Ferguson, Bovaird, and Mueller).  People will try to get them addicted to drugs so that they can use them to make money off of them very easily, knowing that they will more than likely come back for more and never stop wanting drugs from them.  The youth of a community are the main targets because they are easily persuaded and do not have anybody to guide them.  This will cause the little money they have to go into a worthless and bad cause.  Inner cities are some of the biggest poverty stricken areas because of this problem (Elizabeth Kneebone and Natalie Holmes).  Many people in inner cities also do not have any sort of father figure which means that a mom is doing all the work to get money.  Their salaries are not big either, so the money that they make going to a bad cause winds them back into poverty.  Another area that poverty is seen is in the community.  Just by looking at buildings, roads, and the atmosphere of some communities, it is clear that they are affected by poverty.  People in rundown communities are normally not living with much if their community around them is also in bad shape.  Another indicator is the amount of people who are left without homes or jobs who are living on the streets and begging ("Poverty Facts and Stats").  This can be seen in many streets and in downtown areas.  These two places are prime examples of where someone can find poverty in everyday lives and how it is an epidemic that affects a large group of people. 

            In conclusion, poverty is a very common epidemic to come across from people who struggle economically.  Poverty can be seen throughout history and has been around ever since history had been taken record of.  It has been clear that poverty was a very strong epidemic during times when monarchies were dictators of their country and when economies crashed.  People are constantly at risk at being struck by poverty because it can happen to them when they find themselves in debt or broke.  Many people do not see poverty as a huge epidemic, but it is one of the most common epidemics out there.  People do not give a second thought about how sever poverty is to society and that it changes the economy and environment. Poverty is found in most inner cities and in many communities and affects much of the youth and area.  Poverty is an epidemic that affects places all over the world because of lack of money.
Poverty is a very hard problem to overcome because it is hard to gain any footing when you have nothing to help yourself.  People in poverty do not have anything that they can use to help give them a start and become working class citizens.  This makes it extremely hard to get out of poverty.  Although it is very hard to get out of, there are still solutions to poverty.  Solutions to poverty are getting help, welfare, and using money and opportunities wisely.
            One way that people can get out of poverty is by being helped by someone else.  This is not necessarily saying that the person will set there life on a completely stable course, but a person could give them a temporary house or food every day to help get them back on their feet.  This will not defeat their poverty completely.  The person responsible is the person in poverty.  Once they are given this opportunity, they cannot let it go to waste.  If they are given this, what they should do is try to find a job or get an education to help them get a job.  This would be the best use of the opportunity given to them because it would be like giving them a second chance to help them live a normal life.
            Government has also tried to help defeat poverty.  The government made welfare programs to help people struggling financially to have a way to make it by with a very little amount.  Although this system is not ideal for a very large percent of the American population,  it can be a way to help families that are less fortunate and that are going through an economically rough time.  This program was initially made during the Great Depression to help people who had lost everything when the stock market had crashed, however in this present time it is not near as fair or useful (Elizabeth Kneebone and Natalie Holmes.).  When the stock market crashed, it was citizens who were workers who had lost everything.  The welfare systems were much more beneficial back then than they are right now.  It was helpful because they worked and got back on their feet.  This helped benefit society because they gave back to it.  With the welfare now, very few people use the welfare to try to get back into working("Institute for Research on Poverty.").  The welfare that they are given is used to just help them live, but with a very below average lifestyle.  The problem is that they do not contribute anything to society after they receive welfare.  The rational thing to do would be to try to use the grace you are given to make something out of it, but the reason that these people even need their welfare is because they do not want to work.  This just makes welfare money taken from people who work hard and giving it to people who do nothing with their lives ("Social and Cultural Effects of the Depression.").  This does not just hurt society by them not contributing anything, but also the tax payers which can lead to them also finding themselves in poverty.  Welfare is a solution to poverty, however when it is in the hands of people who do not use it to help contribute to society. 
            Another way to get out of poverty is to work your way out of it.  This is the most difficult way to get out of poverty because you are not given any footing to start off.  Very few people can actually climb out of poverty on their own.  The people who are most likely to get out of poverty are the ones who have gotten an education or a degree because they are more likely to get a job from somewhere because of their education.  The people who do not have any form of education have to go back to schooling, which is a hard thing to do when you have nothing to pay for schooling because you are in poverty (Ferguson, HB, S. Bovaird, and MP Mueller.).  Poverty can be solved by hard work, but without anyone to initially help fund or provide something for poverty stricken people, it is very hard to get out of.
            Poverty does not just apply to people who do not have homes or who do not have much education.  There are still plenty of people in poverty outside of those boundaries.  People who live in run down areas and have a very low income also fall into the poverty category.  While they might not be given things extreme to help them get out of poverty, there are still way that they can they can use to help them get out of poverty.  Many people that are in poverty do not have a very good concept of spending.  Often, people find themselves in poverty because they have very poor spending habits in the first place ("Poverty Facts and Stats.").  By saving money and not spending money on unnecessary things, people in poverty can save a vast amount of their money to be put to a much better use.  The main people who use their money poorly are the people who waste their money on drugs and alcohol.  These are some of the main things people in poverty use their money on because they believe it will help give them a sense of relief or help their troubles go away ("Homelessness in America.").  These things will actually end up just destroying their bodies and be a complete waste of money.  This is a major problem because it is just two bad things happening to them at one time, wasting money and destroying themselves.  By saving money, people who have low incomes can get out of poverty.
            Poverty does not relate to absurdity in much of a way, but there are a few points that they have in common.  Poverty displays how Camus said death is inevitable.  Just as how death is inevitable for everybody, poverty will always be an inevitable part of society.  Poverty will always exist because society is far from perfect.  The only way for society to become perfect is if everybody all had the exact same amount of stuff and was treated equally.  This would practically be socialism, but socialism has proven to fail in the past because there has always been some form of inequality which is why poverty cannot be cured.  People all have a different view of what they think perfect society is which is why socialism has never worked.  Everyone will never be treated equally which is why poverty will always exist.  Another way absurdity relates to poverty is that people do not use what they are given to get out of poverty.  People who are given things from others normally put them to bad use which is preposterous.  This makes absolutely no sense logically and is why it is very absurd.  These are the ways that absurdity relates to poverty.
            In conclusion, poverty is an epidemic that many people dismiss when thinking of epidemics.  Poverty is spread just like a disease from one generation to another who were born into poverty and have never come out of it.  Like a disease, it also targets a specific type of people, the lower class.  It is nothing to be taken lightly because its effects have been shown in the past to destroy cities and countries.  Poverty will always exist and there is no getting around that.  However, people as a group can try their best to prevent it from happening to the best of their ability.  Of course they will not always be successful, but trying to help the population suffering from this is much better than watching it happen without trying to help at all. 

Work Cited
"Homelessness in America." National Coalition for the Homeless. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.
Ferguson, HB, S. Bovaird, and MP Mueller. "The impact of poverty on educational outcomes for             children." Paediatrics & Child Health. Pulsus Group Inc, Oct. 2007. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.
"Institute for Research on Poverty." Research | Institute for Research on Poverty | University of   Wisconsin–Madison. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.
Elizabeth Kneebone and Natalie Holmes. "U.S. concentrated poverty in the wake of the Great     Recession | Brookings Institution." Brookings. Brookings, 31 Aug. 2016. Web. 06 Mar.                       2017.
Nash, Tim. "Life of Peasants in Medieval Times." Life of Peasants in Medieval Times | Middle     Ages. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.
"National Poverty Center | University of Michigan." RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.
"Poverty Facts and Stats." Global Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.
"Social and Cultural Effects of the Depression." Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 06     Mar. 2017.

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