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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Texting and Driving Final Essay - Ashton Johnson

Texting and Driving Final Essay



You have your whole day planned out with your friends on a Saturday during the winter. Starting up the car and blasting the music is the usual daily routine. You’re picking up friends one by one having the time of your life. You’re merging onto the highway, and all of a sudden you get a text message and start to reply. You see notification after notification just keeping you engaged and intrigued in the topic of conversation. You look up, and you’re inches away from the car in front of you. Unfortunately…… you can’t save yourself, or even you friends.  You slam the brakes ramming into the back of the car, air bags bursting, and windows cracking, ripping through metal, sliding all over the icy road. Blood dripping from your lips, you freak out seeing an empty seat right next to you thinking where is your friends. People run up to helping you out of the car, but you overhear that your friends have already passed away.

            All of this could have been avoided due to the use of cell phones, “Texting while driving causes a 400% increase in time spent with eyes off the road” (“Texting and Driving Accident Statistics - Distracted Driving.”). Is it possible today’s youth remains at risk to this rapid growing epidemic?  Only time will tell, but we have to take the action at hand.


The history of texting and driving started to hinder our society in this generation before any before us. As reading about the history of texting and driving you will begin to understand that we as teens have the largest percent tile in car accidents due to phones. Let's take a look at how it all started in the history of text messages. On December 1992 “Neil Papworth sends a short message, “Merry Christmas,” from his computer to a phone of his colleague Richard Jarvis through the Vodafone network. The technology he used to take this monumental step is called Short Message Service (SMS), although it is better known today as texting or text messaging” (“A Brief History of Mobile Texting”) . This advancement in time (1992) would be a global boom for the industry of technology. Also in “2000, the average user in the U.S. sent 35 texts per month, a dramatic increase which was encouraged by advances in cell phone design that made texting even easier and more convenient” (Brief History 1).

Due to these two they would not match the competitive edge of the mastermind behind the scenes of the product apple ( Steve Jobs). The booming time in the 2000’s caught the world by storm but the people always wanted more. After apple made revolutionary inventions such  as the MacBook for computer, and iPods just for music they felt as if they could do better. As we all knew apple still had something up under their sleeves “On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs put sneaker to stage for what was the most incredible keynote presentations of his life—a life filled with incredible keynote presentations—and in the history of consumer electronics” ( Ritchie, Rene.) . Many people would come to love this invention all across the world………. but many of them would not take into consideration the grief, and agony it would cause their families later on in life.

Social Effects on Society

    Texting and Driving has become a problem in America for many years now. As stated in the text “ With the latest statistics available as of 2018, in 2015, according to statistics compiled by the Department of Transportation, 3,477 people died and another 391,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes caused by drivers who were distracted because they were texting or using cell phones ” ( “Facts & Statistics About Texting & Driving (Updated for 2018).”). In all realty someone will never know when and where these types of events will happen. The pain that it cause so many people from far and wide is really incomprehensible. One accident of texting and driving can affect everything in a life. Many of the ages that get in car accidents are of younger age. As stated “Young drivers, under age 20, not only are avid text message users, they make up 27 percent of the drivers in fatal crashes that were attributed to distracted driving.” (Facts 1). As being young you affect many things around you such as family, friends, school, sports, coaches, and many other things that you might take for granted on a daily basis.

Due too stated facts “During daylight hours, about 660,000 drivers are using their cell phones or manipulating other electronic devices every moment. This activity increases the risks of becoming involved in an accident by three times over normal risk probability” (Facts 1). The down side to this epidemic is that it's not only just teens it also ranges from ages 18-59. Texting has also became an epidemic on it’s on in all reality. People can just somehow not just stand without being on their phone “To make matters worse, the urge to text is almost addictive; people tend to read and answer text messages and cell phone calls immediately. They leave their cell phones turned on so they do not miss any messages or calls. The problem here is that within the few seconds of time used to perform this activity, an accident can occur.” (Facts 1).

As sources tell once you are texting instead of driving its like driving with a blindfold on “The average time taken away from watching the road ahead is just five seconds, but in that time period, a vehicle traveling at 55 mph will go the length of a football field. With attention distracted, it is like driving blindfolded for those few seconds. The results can and often are fatal.” ( Facts 1). Studies have proven when driving while being distracted is one of the most leading causes of death in the U.S. because you are losing Visual, Manual, and Cognitive senses when looking down at the phone for just a few seconds.


    In fact “in recent years is estimated that roughly 2700 teenagers were killed in drunk driving accidents, a needless and horrendous statistic. However what is more frightening is that over 3000 teenagers and young drivers die each year in car crashes caused by split attention due to texting while driving.” ( Taggart, Michael. “The Very Real Dangers Of Texting While Driving.”). The article will also state “ That boils down to roughly 8 people killed each day and roughly 1161 injuries in crashes that involved distracted driving” ( Taggart, Michael. 1).  In 2005 “One of the earliest texting-while-driving accidents occurs in Hawaii when the driver of a BMW started to text someone and crossed into the other lane, crashing into a pickup truck being driven by Jeremy Young, a 19-year-old who was heading to the beach with his friends” ( “History of Texting and Driving - Stop Texting ANd Driving!” ). Also in 2006 “: Reggie Shaw was texting someone when he crashed into Jack Furfaro's car, with his colleague, Keith O'Dell, riding in the back.

They were broadsided by the car behind them and both were killed instantly” (History 1). For many people around the world they all have their own experiences, perspectives, and stories with the action of texting and driving, unfortunately you won't get lucky as most concerning jail time, or consequences. For example “21 year old Elizabeth Meyers, Anne Arundel County, Maryland was uncharacteristically lax when she killed a motorcycle rider as a result of texting and driving.  Phone records indicate she was texting just moments before she pulled from a side street and killed a 30 year old motorcycle rider who had the right of way. Anne Arundel County is generally known for taking a very strong stance on any negligent driving that takes a life, but in this case, Ms. Meyers was given a $500 fine and probation” ( Taggart, Michael. 1). As for other drivers that are being distracted, many courts won't be as lean with sentencing such as this one. For instance “Take the Alabama case of Jonathan M. Raynes age 23 of Purvis, MS. He was found guilty of manslaughter in the death of 24 year old Miranda Hamilton following a head on collision which ejected the decedent from her vehicle. The conviction followed four days of testimony” (Targgart, Michael. 1). Another case that stands out of this horrible epidemic was “Finally, there is the Massachusetts teenager, Aaron Deveau, age 18 who was convicted of homicide as a result of texting while driving.

 He struck and killed 55 year old Donald Bowley of New Hampshire and seriously injured a passenger in Bowley’s car when Deveau’s car crossed the double yellow line and struck the decedent’s car.  As a result of the conviction Judge Abany imposed a 2 year jail sentence on Deveau which will result in one year one year of active incarceration.” (Targgart, Michael. 1). This just goes to show no matter the age limit of the person at fault there will always be a consequence to this horrible crime. This is why the state of Texas has been cracking down on young teens to make sure they understand the importance of this time because “It is important for young drivers to be exposed to both the very real dangers of texting & distracted driving and the very real consequences of such behavior.” (Targgart, Michael. 1).


         Many people have tried to find ways to limit, or even cut off the acts of texting, and driving. People such as city county members, state officials, community influenced individuals, and even people who have been in a car accident have tried to find solutions. The task is not such an easy thing to accomplish. The set back to accomplishing this epidemic is that technology upgrades so many months at a time, and also a new phone is just waiting to be bought by the latest family household. This is life as a reality that texting and driving has become a common issue in the American culture, but these are some solutions that has limited many accidents.

           First as being a young teen in high school you have many responsibilities which come with much freedom. By your junior year many teens are driving to, and back from school. The time and preparation that it takes to get your kids ready to take on the task of driving is calculated up to 6 months out of the year wither the parent’s option for the kid is driving school, or parent taught. By the end of the 6 months you have to watch an hour and a half long video. The video is constructed around the causes, and effects of texting and driving. The video includes family members explaining the loved ones they have lost stories, or the victim themselves. This is allowing you to experience the repercussions that come with picking up a phone and being distracted. This part of drivers Ed just teaches you how to come a responsible individual when it comes to sitting behind the wheel which is one of the great solutions we have in the state of Texas.

           Another solution that has been implemented in the state of Texas is the law of texting and driving. Many people are continuing to be on their phones while driving, and cops have been cracking down on the crime. “The fine for first-time offenders could reach $99, and repeat offenders up to $200. If the result is an accident causing serious harm or death, the driver can be charged with a Class A misdemeanor that could result in jail time for up to 1 year and a fine up to $4,000.” (“Texas Terminates Texting & Driving.”) .

    Also another up today solution that many have experienced personally is on the IPhone. The makers of the phone have updated it to where once you are moving at a certain rate of speed it puts your phone in a sleep mode or as you would call it “do not disturb”.  If someone tried to contact you it sends a personal message to that person saying that you are behind the wheel, and will get back with you ASAP. The update also prevents notifications from social media, or video games to keep you from being distracted behind the wheel
Camus and Absurdity    

    Albert Camus was a man of reason, and he thought outside the box with certain topics. Camus would think of the topic of texting, and driving as the realist that many people saw him as. “Life is the sum of your choices” which is why Camus would say texting, and driving doesn't just affect the life of yourself, but the choices you make also, affects the lives of many around you just from the actions you chose to make. On the other hand Camus would see the viewpoint of people will do as they please with no regard for human life they don't take into consideration of other before themselves. Simply you can't command or force people to do the right things in life if it is not desired in the mind, and heart of the person.  


   Texting and driving is one of the leading deaths in the United States of America. Many solutions and acts are being made to protect the life of many individuals on the road. As a person just think about individuals before yourself because life's too short and you can lose your life in a blink of an eye. No one is invincible, or immune to the reality of this leading cause of death, but it may border on absurdity to fear such an epidemic that is still present in the world today.  

Work Cited


“A Brief History of Mobile Texting.” AdvantageTec, 28 Mar. 2017,


“Facts & Statistics About Texting & Driving (Updated for 2018).” Personal Injury San Diegoorg,


“History of Texting and Driving - Stop Texting ANd Driving!” Google Sites,    


Ritchie, Rene. “11 Years Ago Today, Steve Jobs Introduced the IPhone.” IMore, IMore, 9 Jan. 2018,


Taggart, Michael. “The Very Real Dangers Of Texting While Driving.” The Huffington Post,, 17 Apr. 2017,


“Texas Terminates Texting & Driving.” DMV.ORG Articles, 13 Sept. 2017,


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